
Ro-Chain - A professional leading medical equipment integrated solution vendor in China

Exam Bed Buying Guide

exam bed from Shanghai Ro-Chain Medical CO.,LTD is created to satisfy the diverse needs of global customers. It has various kinds of design styles and specification. We have established a strict raw materials selection process to make sure that all raw materials used meet the application needs and international standards. It performs well and has a long service life. Customers are sure to get lots of economic benefits out of the product.

Our Ro-Chain brand core is based on one main pillar - Striving for Excellence. We are proud of our very powerful organization and our highly capable and motivated workforce – people who take responsibility, take calculated risks and make bold decisions. We rely on the willingness of individuals to learn and grow professionally. Only then can we achieve sustainable success.

Just as important as the quality of exam bed is the quality of Customer Service. Our knowledgeable staff ensures every customer is delighted with their order made at Ro-Chain Medical.

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we welcome custom designs and ideas and is able to cater to the specific requirements. for more information, please visit the website or contact us directly with questions or inquiries.

Shanghai Ro-Chain Medical is a professional leading medical equipment integrated solution provider in the OR / ICU/ NICU/ CSSD/ MGPS/ UNICEF/ IMAGING/ MORTUARY/ MGPS area for the world hospitals and clinics.

Contact with us

Contact: Ms Karen Yon

Tel: 86-18217232862

E-mail: kareny@ro-chainmed.com

WhatsApp: 86-18217232862

Add: Room 207, Building 1, Kangqiao Road 787, Pudong New District, Shanghai, China 201315

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